Refer a Case

If you are a vet wishing to refer a case, please email the following to :

  • Patient’s clinical history

  • Any recent diagnostic test results, radiographs ( .jpeg format ideally), or relevant ultrasound images/clips (if available).

  • Owner’s contact details

Please note that this email address is not continually monitored. Should you have a case requiring urgent referral please phone us on 086 1011309 and follow up with details via email as above.

Once we receive your referral request via phone or email, we will contact the owner directly to arrange an appointment. Once the appointment has been arranged, we will contact you to let you know that you patient has been booked in with us.

Following referral, you will receive a comprehensive referral report, along with copies of the discharge documents and information sheet provided to the owner for your reference.

Pet owners should note that we can only make arrangements to see your pet after your vet has been in touch with us to arrange referral. Please contact your primary care vet (GP vet) to discuss referral if you would like your pet to see a cardiologist.