Cardiology referral service for vets

Our way of working ensures that your pet patient and client receives excellent cardiac care, all whilst making sure you, the referring vet, are kept in the loop.

What you can expect when you refer a case to our vet cardiologist:

  • Experienced cardiologist - your patient is in safe hands.

  • Clear and consistent communication; a referral experience that flows smoothly.

  • Patient discharged back into your care following referral, maintaining the client bond with your practice.

  • Ongoing case management advice following referral.

  • We welcome case discussion and are happy to provide advice, even when referral might not be an option.

dog on heart ultrasound table
  • Ultrasound machine


    Specialist level cardiac ultrasound unit (GE Vivid iq Premium) with a full probe selection suitable for imaging from the smallest kitten to a Great Dane.

  • ECG machine

    6 Lead ECG

    6 Lead ECG for accurate rhythm analysis and diagnosis.

  • Holter Monitor

    Holter Monitoring

    24hr - 7 day ambulatory ECG Spacelabs Lifecard CF for arrhythmia diagnosis, anti-arrhythmic treatment monitoring and syncopal investigations.

  • Blood pressure machine

    Doppler Blood Pressure

    Doppler blood pressure is essential for accurate assessment and diagnosis of systemic hypertension.

Cardiac cases suitable for referral:

  • Murmur investigations in adult dogs & cats

  • Puppy/kitten murmur investigations

  • Arrhythmia investigation

  • Investigation of collapse/syncopal episodes

  • Suspected cardiomyopathy

  • Pre-general anaesthesia murmur assessment & advice

  • Pericardial effusion (Cardiac tamponade)

  • Exercise intolerance, weakness

  • Routine screening of ‘at-risk’ breeds (e.g. Dobermann Pincher, sphynx)


RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Cardiology

Jane graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2014. Following graduation, she spent time working in first opinion small animal practice in the UK and Ireland, and later in several referral centres across the UK.

She obtained an RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice in Veterinary Cardiology in 2019 and was subsequently accredited as an RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Cardiology in 2020, becoming the only Veterinary Cardiologist to hold this accreditation in Ireland.

Jane has a strong interest in veterinary interventional cardiology and completed a Masters in Interventional Cardiovascular Medicine in NUIG in 2021, with her thesis exploring potential translation of human mitral valve repair and replacement device approaches for the treatment of degenerative mitral valve disease in dogs.

Jane is a partner in Millstreet Veterinary Group, and currently practices as a Veterinary Cardiologist in both the UK and Ireland through Flow Veterinary Cardiology.